This Repo contains the labs we are going to work though as part of the BizOps – Bridging the Gap to the Business Hands On Workshop.

For the purposes of the Hands-On, we will automate and make the steps seamless for the participants.


Lab Setup

The following steps are used for this lab:

What You'll Learn

The goal of this exercise is to enhance the basic Real User Monitoring configuration in Dynatrace to bring business context to IT metrics. As such, we will not be going through the basic configuration of Dynatrace and have pre-setup the environment with the configuration:

If you are interested in the basic setup, the following lab reference will be a good guide Digital Experience Management with Dynatrace

One of the key features of Dynatrace Real User Monitoring is the ability to uniquely identify individual users across different browsers, devices, and user sessions.

By default, Dynatrace assigns a unique, random ID to each new user. You can however assign more meaningful custom user tags that are comprised of, for example, user names or email addresses.

In this exercise, we will use the approach of tagging users based on page source. This approach to user tagging works by capturing available data in your application's page source.

The Easy Travel Angular app displays the user name at the top right hand corner. This is done via the text of a DOM element or a JavaScript variable.

To configure this in Dynatrace,

  1. Select Applications from the left navigation menu
  2. Select the EasyTravel Angular application
  3. Click the Browse button (...) and select Edit
  4. Under the Capturing header, look for User tagUser Tag
  5. Click Add user tag rule
    • Source type: CSS Selector
    • CSS Selector field:
    • Toggle Apply cleanup rule on
    • In the Regex box, copy the following
      Hi, (.*+)
  6. Click on Add user tag rule button
  7. Remember to click on Save changes button

Once the configuration is complete, this is how it should look like: User Tag

Conversion goals are useful for understanding if users are meeting critical milestones in a user journey, for example, successful checkouts, newsletter signups, or demo signups

In this exercise, we will create conversion goals for the Easy Travel Angular application.

  1. In the same screen as the previous activity, scroll down to Session Replay and behavior heading, and select Conversion GoalsConversion
  2. Click Add goal button and enter the following:
    • Name:
      Credit card validated
    • Type of goal: User Action
    • Rule applies to: XHR actions
    • Rule
      • Page URL
      • contains
    • The completed configuration look like this Conversion

Validating conversion goal setting

Check results aginst the application: EasyTravel Angular > User behavior


In this exercise, we will create session and user action properties to expose additional data to Dynatrace. This is useful for bringing additonal context regarding the users (e.g. campaign source, various items selected by users etc.) for analytics purposes.

Dynatrace has pre-defined a list of popular software that uses tags to give context to the sessions. Some of them are

These are under the Property pack tab.

For additional data sources that can be extracted from your application, use custom defined properties to define string, numeric, and date properties for your monitored user actions and user sessions.

Property values are then captured as part of each of your users' journeys. Property values can be leveraged for unrivaled visibility into all the details of your users' interactions with your application.

  1. In the same screen as the previous activity, go to the Capturing heading, and select Session and action propertiesSession properties
  2. Click on the button Add properties

Property packs - Google Analytics/Adobe/UTM codes etc.

Since these are pre-defined, all we need to do is to select from the list. In this section, we will select the following:

Custom properties - Transaction amount of each user

Here is how the completed configuration will look like: Custom property

Custom properties - Browsed travel package amount

Following the above configuration, continue to add a CSS Selector type of custom properties

Here is how the completed configuration will look like: Custom property

Custom properties - Travel destination browsed/booked

Here is how the completed configuration will look like: Custom property

Completed configuration screen

Once everything is configured, you should have this list of session/useraction properties: Session properties

In this exercise, we will cover configuring Session Replay in Dynatrace.

Follow the steps below to enable session Replay:

  1. In the same screen as the previous activity, scroll down to Session Replay and behavior heading, and select Session Replay
  2. Toggle ON Enable Session ReplaySessionReplay
  3. Scroll down to Recoding mask settings tab, select Mask user inputSessionReplay
  4. Click on the Playback masking settings tab, select Mask user inputSessionReplay
  5. Finally, scroll all the way down down and Click on SaveSessionReplay

We are now ready to visualize the data collected in Dynatrace. In this exercise, you can see how conversion goals, session/action properties can provide much more insights and context to the IT metrics for analysis.

This is the dashboard that we will aim to create.



  1. Navigate to Dashboards on the left hand naviation menu
  2. Click on the buton Create Dashboard and enter a name and click on Create
  3. Drag a User Sessions Query tile and click on Configure tileDashboard
  4. Enter the following query:
   SELECT FUNNEL( like "*journeys*" AS "Journey Search", = "click on book now (xhr: /easytravel/rest/journeys/)" AS "Click on Book Now", = "click on sign in (xhr: /easytravel/rest/login)" AS "Login","click on book journey  (xhr: /easytravel/rest/validate-creditcard)" AS "Submit Payment") FROM usersession
  1. Click on the run query button
  2. Rename this to
    Payment funnel
  3. Click on the save changes to dashboard button


Conversion over time


  1. While having the Dashboard in Edit mode, click on the previously created tile and click on the clone button, then click on the configure tile button Dashboard
  2. Enter the following query:
   select datetime(starttime, "E HH:mm", "10m"), count(*) as "Conversions" from usersession where useraction.matchingConversionGoals="Credit card validated" group by datetime(starttime,"E HH:mm","10m")
  1. Click on the run query button
  2. Select Line chart
  3. Rename this to
    Conversions over time
  4. Click on the save changes to dashboard button


Booking Revenue


  1. Clone the tile from above and click on configure tile
  2. Modify the query:
   select sum ( as Revenue from usersession
  1. Click on the run query button
  2. It will automatically select a Single value
  3. Rename this to
    Booking revenue
  4. Click on the save changes to dashboard button


Abandoned cart totals


  1. Clone the tile from above and click on configure tile
  2. Modify the query:
   SELECT sum (doubleProperties.tripcost) as "Revenue Lost" from usersession where useraction.matchingConversionGoals IS NULL AND doubleProperties.tripcost > 0
  1. Click on the run query button
  2. It will automatically select Single value
  3. Rename this to
    Abandoned cart value
  4. Click on the save changes to dashboard button


Users affected by an abandoned cart


  1. Clone the tile from above and click on configure tile
  2. Modify the query:
   SELECT userid from usersession where = "click on book journey  (xhr: /easytravel/rest/validate-creditcard)" and is null
  1. Click on the run query button
  2. Select Table only
  3. Rename this to
    Users affected by abandoned cart
  4. Click on the save changes to dashboard button


Let's challange DAVIS™️!

Access the EasyTravel Angular actual booking application

Action on the data

Action on the data

Action on the data

Scenario #1

Conversions are dropping! And so is Revenue!


However, the monitoring dashboards of IT Operations team show all systems are green! Scenario1

Even if it is not an IT issue, something must be causing vistors to be frustrated and not completing the transactions.


Some dashboards in the Sample BizDevOps Dashboard might give a clue to what is happening.


Also, investigating some user sessions together with Session Replay might uncover some facts about your application that cannot be detected by logs or investigating application code.

Scenario #2

DAVIS has detected an Anomaly! You also have observed that there are users who are affected and have abandoned their booking process!



The dashboard that you created just now would have contain all the information for you to understand what is causing errors.

You can start with the Problems tile and drill down from there.

You can also investigate each individual user session by using the tiles that list the user names who are facing difficulties.

By applying Business Analytics in Dynatrace, we could easily achieve the following goals:

BizDevOps Use case

The #1 cause of drop-outs/user frustration is errors!

Errors can come from various sources:

More so, DDoS attacks and cross-site scripting attacks that cause Content Security Policy (CSP) violations can make your website unresponsive or steal data and personally identifiable information of your users.

Prioritizing what needs to be fixed is usually a challenging task as there are many types of errors and analyzing them one-by-one will not be efficient.

BizDevOps Use case

This workflow will benefit the following personas

A few entry points to start the analysis:

We will use 2 workflows as examples.

Workflow #1 - Navigate from an overview of a specific application

  1. Go to Applications -> Easy Travel Angular -> Errors
  2. Click Analyze errors
  3. You will see a small handful of errors, select one which shows HTTP 500 under the HTTP request tabs
  4. You can modify the dectection rules
  5. One of the rules cover detection of CSP errorsBizDevOps Use case

Workflow #2 - Navigate from User Sessions

  1. Got to User Sessions
  2. Use the filters above
  3. Use USQL for a more granular manipulation of the data setting


Google introduced their Core Web Vitals initiative last year.

Goal is to standarize on the measurements to provide "quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web".

Google recently included these metrics as "user experience signals" in their search result rankings, demonstrating that these metrics aren't just nice to have but are a necessity.

Dynatrace complements Google Core Web Vital measurements with insights across your application front and back ends. With zero configuration, you can leverage all three Core Web Vital metrics in Dynatrace and get details with just a few clicks.

Page and Page groups analysis workflow

  1. Start with the Application overview page (go to Applications and select an application name).
  2. The Application overview page displays a Top 3 pages section, which includes tabs for Page groups and Pages. Choose the tab that displays the granularity you want.
    • Select a group Name to go directly to the Page group overview for the selected group.
    • Select View all page groups to display Multidimensional analysis for all page groups.

Analysis workflow

  1. Select View all page groupsBizDevOps Use case
  2. In the Performance metric drop down, select Largest contenful paint. Leave the rest as defaults.
  3. Click on homeBizDevOps Use case
  4. Scroll down to the Performance section and click Perform waterfall analysisBizDevOps Use case
  5. The waterfall analysis allows you to analyze the underlying actions of the route change for these pages. Here you can put detailed performance and error information into context.

BizDevOps Use case

Dashboarding workflow

  1. Use the breadcrumbs on the top of the screen to go back one screen, i.e. Applications > EasyTravel Angular > Page groups > home BizDevOps Use case
  2. Scroll down to the Performance section and click Analyze performanceBizDevOps Use case
  3. Scroll down to the Detailed analysis... section
  4. Select UTM source from the "Analyze by" drop-down.
  5. Select either Largest contenful paint or First contentful paint from the "Performance metric" drop-down.
  6. Click Create metric

BizDevOps Use case

  1. Enable Split by UTM source, and enter the value 5. BizDevOps Use case
  2. Click Create metric to complete the metric creation.
  3. You can chart this on a dashboard now.


  1. Assess the EasyTravel Angular homepage CSS
  2. Select any travel package, click on book and login with username: alex and password: alex and click Sign inCSS
  3. Right click on the name Alex Elliot and click inspect
  4. Click on the ... on the highlighted row and select Copy > Copy SelectorCSS
  5. You can do this for any DOM element that has been defined in your web application.

As we have shown earlier, 2 request attributes revenue and destination have been pre-created for you.

Defining new request attributes

You can create request attributes from various data sources and in this part of the hands on, we will expose the loyalty status of customers who sign up for travel packages.


  1. Go to Settings > Server side service monitoring > Under Deep monitoring, Request Attributes
  2. Click on the button Define a new request attributeRequestAttribute
  3. Fill in the Request attribute name as loyalty status
  4. Leave the data type as text
  5. Click on the button Add new data sourceRequestAttribute
  6. Configure 1st source:
    • Request attribute source: Web request URL query parameter
    • Parameter name: loyalty
    • Remember to click on SaveRequestAttribute
  7. Click on the button Add new data source
  8. Configure 2nd source:
    • Request attribute source: Java method parameter
    • Click on the button Select method sourcesRequestAttribute
    • Select the process group: easytravelRequestAttribute
    • Click on Continue button
    • Enter this in the search box and click on Search
    • Select the class and click ContinueRequestAttribute
    • Click on the radio button beside Use the selected class and click ContinueRequestAttribute
    • Select the method: private void checkLoyaltyStatus
    • Click on the Finish button RequestAttribute
    • In the Capture dropdown, select 2: java.lang.String
    • Click SaveRequestAttribute
  9. Once done, the final configuration will look like the screen below
  10. Please remember to click on the final Save button on the top right hand


Adding the request attribute in Session Properties

  1. Select Applications from the left navigation menu
  2. Select the EasyTravel Angular application
  3. Click the Browse button (...) and select Edit
  4. Under the Capturing header, look for Session and action properties
  5. Click on the button Add properties
  6. Select the Custom defined property tab
  7. Select the Expression type: Server side request attribute
  8. Request attribute name: loyalty status

Visualizing the data via USQL

  1. Follow the Activity-2 steps on adding a USQL tile on a dashboard.
  2. Use the following USQL, and chose a pie chart
   select stringProperties.memberstatus, sum ( as Revenue from usersession where stringProperties.memberstatus IS NOT NULL group by stringProperties.memberstatus order by sum( DESC
  1. You will get the following tile


We hope you enjoyed this lab and found it useful. We would love your feedback!

How was your overall experience with this lab?

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

What did you benefit most from this lab?

Learning Digital Business Analytics User Session Properties setup How to use Dynatrace to improve BizDevOps colloabration Using USQL

How likely are you to recommend this lab to a friend or colleague?

Very Likely Moderately Likely Neither Likely nor unlikely Moderately Unlikely Very Unlikely